Monday, September 18, 2017

Moving Daze

On Wednesday, September 9, I was due to leave Big Arm State Park and wander down to other parts. On Tuesday, my radiator decided to spring a leak. I was able to get an appointment with my favorite repair shop in Polson for Thursday. Got the radiator replaced, so I planned on leaving on Friday. I made an appointment to meet the hiring person at Solitude for Monday, so I had a couple of reservations made for camping.
First was in Idaho Falls. I have stayed at this park a few times and I usually stay only one night. Because of the appointment and inability to get a reservation one day away, I stayed an extra day. So I wandered into the downtown area of Idaho Falls.


There is a walkway along the river (Snake to be exact) with gorgeous views of the river, the falls and planted alongside, flowers. Love the beautiful colors of the flowers and the great views of the river.
I left after the next day and drove to Salt Lake City. I stayed in a vastly overcrowded RV park and have never had so much trouble with a “drive-through”. I made my appointment at Solitude (didn’t take pictures, my bad) and walked around a bit. It is a gorgeous place, but the ride up the hill is horrendous.
So after spending as little time as possible in SLC, I drove to Cedar City. I went to a “job fair” at Bryce Canyon and then drove down to Zion National Park.

The second tunnel is long and narrow and there was a long line to go through. While waiting, I saw a few prong horns posing alongside the parking area. I drove down the long, very windy road into the park, but they were prohibiting traffic due to congestion, so I went back up (the wrong way, it turns out). I did take a few pictures while I was there, but I didn’t visit the rest of the park. Maybe some later date.
After a day or two of rest, I went up to Cedar Breaks. I had visted the visitor center in 2014, but that was all. This time, I drove the whole road and a side road for a few miles. It is a stunning view, but the lowest altitude was 10,325 feet and it was not easy to breathe.

After all this, I will be heading down to Vegas for a couple of weeks until I know where I am going for the winter. I’ve got a few irons in the fire, so I don’t know now where I will be going. Someplace good I hope!