Thursday, May 9, 2019

You Can’t Go Home Again

It has been more than a year since I last put anything in here. I apologize, but the last year has been . . . depressing at best. When I first left Las Vegas, I went to Visalia. I realized after less than a month that it would not be a good place to be, since it depressed me from the beginning.

So I went to Crescent City in California, almost as far north as you can go in California. I spent a month there and walked from where I was parked to a cliff about ¾ of a mile away. I enjoyed the walk and managed to see the spray from a surfacing whale while I was there. I didn’t see the whale, but it was still exciting. I was feeling better and the weather seemed to be welcoming me to the area.

 I moved to Eureka, about 90 miles south, to find a job. I visited the south jetty which was a bit of a drive from the place where I was staying in King Salmon. The waves were gorgeous and there was almost nobody there while I was wandering around. Some pictures of the south jetty.

I got a temporary job that ended up crippling me, so it only lasted 6.5 months (about 6 months too long). Because of problems I was having even walking, after having spent a lot of time walking and hiking around previous to moving here, I started going to a chiropractor. Turns out I had a vertebra that was displaced and annoying every nerve in my back. After 4 months of treatment, I could walk better than I had been able to, but nowhere near as well as I had been before the job.

I wanted to be a camp host in Montana during the summer of 2019, but because of the pain in my back, I am unable to stand for long, I can barely bend over, and I’m not supposed to lift anything over 15 pounds. So, it looks like my potential career of being a traveling camp host has ended.

So, why can’t you go home again? I went to Humboldt State University in Arcata from 1976 – 1979. Eureka and Arcata are not as I remember them. Even though 40 years have passed, and I accept that, I expected there to be some semblance of the peace I felt while I was attending college.

That peace was gone. Eureka was depressing and grey (and I don’t mean the weather). Arcata was even more retro than it had been in 1976-1979. I became very depressed because of the weather, the environment and the fact that I couldn’t walk as much as I had been able to when I first got here. I was called for jury duty and spent 2 -1/2 days waiting around before the judge dismissed everyone, including all those who had been selected. Apparently there was something wrong with the indictment. It was snowing/hailing the day we were dismissed.

And then the rain started. And continued. And continued. Etc. After 4 months of almost constant rain, I had to leave. So I moved to Las Vegas for a couple of months. However, because of all the rain, my jacks had all rusted and it was almost impossible to raise all but one of the jacks. It was impossible to raise the 4th jack. I ended up bending it badly when I left the park and was finally able to get a nice gentleman to raise it up enough I wouldn’t have to worry about it too much. Of course, I couldn’t lower it at any time, during my trip to Vegas.

This is the first installment of my continuing journey starting in 2019. I’ll get more done as I feel more excited about what is happening to me and my (frustratingly old) body. I’ll also include pictures.