Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Vegas, Again

I wasn't going to do much today, but I ended up going to Hoover Dam. I had been there when I was young and only remember the horrendous elevator ride to the bottom. Didn't do it this time.

Looking at Lake Mead on the way, you can see the "bathtub ring", the highest level of water (and usual level). The lake level is so low, islands that were originally covered up have surfaced.

I drove to the dam, and they have security checking vehicles on the way to the dam, assuming that you are going to cross it. Since I wasn't interesting in driving across (bridges are bad enough, doing the dam would have been too much), I didn't mind showing what was in my truck. Lots of junk.

First thing I saw as I drove down the road to the dam was this tower that carried wires from the base of the dam up and over the hills surrounding the dam.
No, they aren't broken, they were installed in this angled way. Looks weird, like they are in the process of falling over.

I walked along the dam and had to take my cap off so it wouldn't disappear into the water below. It was an OMG moment looking over the side at the dam. It is a long way down.
I walked to Arizona and then walked back to Nevada. Not so long a trip, since the Nevada/Arizona line is in the middle of the dam.
Walking back on the other side of the road, I saw this little memorial. It might be difficult to read, but it was for the mascot of the builders of the dam. He apparently had been killed when a construction truck hit him. This was very sweet of the men who spent so much time and energy on this project.

BTW, it was very hot. Did I mention it was HOT??? It started clouding up when I got home, and around 7:30 pm I went outside to watch the lighting. It was only in the clouds (didn't seem to be hitting the ground), and I didn't hear any thunder. It was also very windy (rocking the trailer). Maybe we'll get a little rain. It is supposed to be a tad (a degree or two) cooler tomorrow. Maybe not even hitting 100!

1 comment :

  1. At least you can look forward to cooler weather as September continues. Will you be spending the winter (ice, snow and brrrr cold) in the southern southwest? Arizona or New Mexico? To me, pulling a trailer in either extreme (overheating engine or icy roads) would be frightening. Especially since you are alone. Maybe you can find an ROA campground or something similar to use as a base camp during December, January and February. Drop me an email, please. I want to send you something.
